Hatchery cleaning stations

3 companies | 4 products
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{{#each product.featureValues}} {{content}} {{/each}}
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tray washing system
tray washing system

POWERWASH TM The Innovatec POWERWASH™ has been specially developed for use in the hatchery. It can be supplied for the application of hatching trays or chick boxes. Clean to an unmatched level The high-yield nozzle ...

hatchery cleaning unit
hatchery cleaning unit

Farm, setter or hatcher trolley washing unit The unit can be executed on behalf of farm-, setter- or hatcher trolleys. The nozzle configuration is specially ...

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Innovatec Hatchery Automation
tray cleaning unit
tray cleaning unit

... tray washing unit is designed to remove fresh fats and proteins as well as dust extremely effective. The unit provides trays that are biologically and optically clean to an until-now unmatched level. Compact ...

See the other products
Innovatec Hatchery Automation
hatchery cleaning station
hatchery cleaning station

... you to increase the hygiene and efficiency of your hatchery. Washing machine Petersime’s Washing Machine allows you to increase the hygiene in your ...

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