Hay analyzers

5 companies | 6 products
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{{#each product.featureValues}} {{content}} {{/each}}
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hay analyzer
hay analyzer

The humimeter FL2 with fix mounted probe, beside its function as a hay and straw moisture meter and hay stack probe, also offers a calibration function for special materials. This functions enables ...

hay analyzer
hay analyzer
Superpro Combi

... storage. The Superpro Combi is a new generation of digital moisture analyzers that gives consistent test results. In a single operation, the portable Superpro Combi moisture analyzer measures and calculates ...

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grain analyzer
grain analyzer

Reduce costs and time with a simple and powerful monitoring solution A single powerful device. Our innovative spear, with cellular technology, collects moisture and temperature data in a single device using wireless technology to ...

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hay analyzer
hay analyzer

The 2188 hay probe provides consistent moisture and temperature tests to ensure quality bales that are safe to store. Suitable for large and small, square or round bales, the 2188 is light weight,extremely robust and ...

grain analyzer
grain analyzer
AgriQuant B8

The Quant Analyzer equipped with the patented Spiral Sampler offers truly representative scanning of very heterogenic samples. This means high value and ease of operation as scanning a large area of one composite sample ...

forage analyzer
forage analyzer

... the fodder in the field and to decide the harvest time. The user can know the moisture graduation of the different bales of hay and, consequently, the real price of them during the buying or the selling. The low price, ...

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