Hazelnuts tree shakers

3 companies | 4 products
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fruit tree shaker
fruit tree shaker

... hydraulic systems. The trunk shaker captures the tree trunk by paw grip and vibrates it. The collected fruits fall to screens that are spread under a tree (screens are ...

fruit tree shaker
fruit tree shaker

Rope tree shaker: simple, reliable, efficient The rope tree shaker RS100 can save time and labour especially for farmers who have few trees. it designed to harvest ...

fruit tree shaker
fruit tree shaker

MAJA AUTOMATIC- LK is the newest model of MAJA harvester. It is equipped with automatic folding and unfolding arched screen. This solution allows to reduce number of operating personell and the same reduce costs of production. Shaking ...

fruit tree shaker
fruit tree shaker
OS TV series

The Blue Bird olive shakers are the ideal tools for the collection of olives or hanging fruit such as walnuts, hazelnuts, almonds or apricots. The system – used by the olive shaker – ...

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