- Farm Machinery >
- Crop protection & maintenance >
- Hooded sprayer
Hooded sprayers
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Capacity: 120 l

Capacity: 400 l - 2,000 l
Our H-Series range of trailed or mounted herbicide sprayers is designed to offer an effective weed solution for vineyards and orchards of all sizes and conditions. Simply select the tank and chassis you need and match ...

Capacity: 60 l
... to the flexible structure of its protective hood, this sprayer is ideal for use on young plants or trees with thin trunks, as the impact with this sprayer is very well cushioned. S-flex sprayer ...
Micron Sprayers

Capacity: 60 l
Micron Weed Management sprayers provide thorough weed control around trees and shrubs, as well as along fences, paths and buildings. The Spraydome range of sprayers is ideal for treating weeds in situations ...
Micron Sprayers

Capacity: 200 l
Working width: 2.3 m
Micron Weed Management sprayers provide thorough weed control around trees and shrubs, as well as along fences, paths and buildings. The Spraydome + range of sprayers is ideal for treating weeds in ...
Micron Sprayers

Capacity: 60 l
Micron Weed Management sprayers provide thorough weed control around trees and shrubs, as well as along fences, paths and buildings. The Spraymiser features a triangular hood to minimise spray drift. The product consists ...
Micron Sprayers

Capacity: 100 l - 1,200 l
Working width: 1.3 m - 9 m
Varidome is a range of covered inter-row sprayers for eradicating weeds growing between rows and strips. Varidome is suitable for use on oilseed rape, sugar beet, corn, onion, carrot, parsnip, leek and many other crops ...
Micron Sprayers

Capacity: 300 gal
Working width: 30'00", 40'00"
... Broadcast Hooded Sprayer with Over-Center Fold showcases a new and simple design that offers the same great drift protection and spraying accuracy. Just like its 642 companion, the 642E is ideal for spraying ...
Willmar Fabrication, LLC

Capacity: 150, 300, 400 gal
Working width: 20'00", 30'00", 40'00", 50'00"
... Boom Broadcast Hooded Sprayer helps growers take control of weeds and drift. This innovative sprayer is lined with Redball® Gen II Broadcast Hoods aimed to limit herbicide spray drift ...
Willmar Fabrication, LLC

Capacity: 55 gal
Working width: 60'00", 80'00", 90'00", 100'00"
Available in sizes 60'-100', the 645 Tractor Mounted Suspended Boom Broadcast Hooded Sprayer is an ideal fit for a wide variety of operations. The hooded broadcast sprayer ...
Willmar Fabrication, LLC

Capacity: 150, 300 gal
The 915 Row Crop Hooded Sprayer is the ultimate weapon against resistant weeds. It has better control of herbicide spray, reducing the chance of spray escaping. The longer hood design and open front allows ...
Willmar Fabrication, LLC

Capacity: 150, 300 gal
... control resistant weeds with the Redball® 410 Conservation Hooded Sprayer. This Redball® hooded sprayer lets you apply between the rows. Armed with Redball® Spray Monitors, ...
Willmar Fabrication, LLC

Capacity: 150, 300 gal
... -Row Hooded Sprayer is ideal for banding applications of post-emerge herbicides over-the-row. Lined with durable Redball® Spray Hoods and Monitors, the 210 Hooded Sprayer ...
Willmar Fabrication, LLC

Capacity: 400 gal
Working width: 8'00" ft - 20'00"
The HSVS-400 is made standard for vineyard but with optional boom can be used in orchard herbicide application as well. Pump options include UDOR or Comet diaphragm pumps capable of 10 to 15 gpm or a 5.5 hp Honda motor equipped with a ...
D & M Manufacturing Company

Capacity: 300 gal
Working width: 8'00", 18'00"
The VHB-300 Berm Blower and herbicide combination allows you to blow the berms clean of leaves and spray them as well with the rear mounted boom. The blower and Hypro 18gpm centrifugal pump are PTO driven and the tank agitator is driven ...
D & M Manufacturing Company
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