Hoof block glues

4 companies | 6 products
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hoof block glue
hoof block glue

MS Gloof is a dark, hoof adhesive for cattle in order to glue wooden or rubber blocks under the hoof. MS Gloof is the very perfect adhesive ...

hoof block glue
hoof block glue

hoof block glue
hoof block glue
Demotec 95

Sticks to the claw but not to your fingers - Easy to mix - powder in sachets - a measure for liquid - Simple to use - malleable and non sticky - Straightforward to apply - Quicker return to normal - Minimises ...

See the other products
Demotec Demel e.K.
hoof block glue
hoof block glue
Demotec 90

... best possible manner and so limit economic losses that would otherwise occur. The primary medical treatment of the affected hoof should be undertaken as soon as possible, and as an adjunct to this treatment Demotec 90 ...

See the other products
Demotec Demel e.K.
hoof block glue
hoof block glue

The new PU-power glue Our PU-systems works with a combination of a cartridge and a mixing tip. The cartridge contains two components of resin. After inserting the cartridge into the application gun, the resin is pushed ...

See the other products
Demotec Demel e.K.
hoof block glue
hoof block glue

NEW Claw Blocking Adhesive Ideal adhesive for Accu-bloc and Accu-sole Superb consistency, allowing time to apply blocks properly Cures harder and faster, resulting in less block ...

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