Horticulture bed formers

4 companies | 8 products
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1-row bed former
1-row bed former

Width: 1,350, 1,850, 1,600, 2,350, 2,100 mm

... milling or burial of small-sized stones and the preparation of seedbeds, thanks to its incorporated system of lister-ploughs and bed roller. Standard Equipment •3 point universal hitch (Category 2) •Single speed ...

3-row bed former
3-row bed former

Width: 5,550 mm

... equipped with front wheels to regulate depth and a parallelogram steering mechanism for bed profile stability in each machine body; three independent bodies for consistent bed profiles in terms of form ...

1-row bed former
1-row bed former

Width: 450 mm - 1,200 mm

... : 1. Front shares of the bed forming section gather properly prepared, loose, soil and forms the bed, lateral shares gathers soil and central shares fills the middle of bed ...

1-row bed former
1-row bed former

Width: 450 mm - 1,200 mm

... loose, soil and forms the bed, lateral shares gathers soil and central shares fills the middle of bed 2. Soil containment sides set up soil gathered by the front shares 3. Pressing roller compact ...

1-row bed former
1-row bed former

Width: 165 cm

... operations – without bed making operations Working principle: 1. Tilling section shreds, mixes and crumble soil, prepairing it for bed shaping operation. 2. Soil containment elements ...

3-row bed former
3-row bed former

Width: 1.6, 1.52, 4.56, 4.8 m

The ROTATING CULTIVATOR BED BUILDER FIALHO FI-AFR SERIES is a milling bed assembler used in horticulture for the construction of cultivation beds. It is designed to create ...

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3-row bed former
3-row bed former

Width: 1.52, 1.6, 4.56, 4.8 m

... power of the "ROTATING CULTIVATOR BED BUILDER FI-AFR/ATH"! Imagine the ease of transforming one bed into three with just a touch. Thanks to the incredible hydraulic system of this equipment, the machine's ...

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1-row bed former
1-row bed former

Width: 30 cm

They are suitable for horticulture to fix quickly to the soil the plastic sheet that covers hothouses, also with small tractors. The tool burrows into the soil, so the soil is conveyed on the side: it forms the base of ...

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