Hybrid aubergine seeds

10 companies | 13 products
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annual aubergine seeds
annual aubergine seeds
Turkish Delight

... Green calyx. Avg. 121,900 seeds/lb. Packet: 25 seeds. SCIENTIFIC NAME: Solanum melongena, except where otherwise noted (S. gilo). CULTURE: Eggplants require fertile, well-drained soil with a pH ...

See the other products
early aubergine seeds
early aubergine seeds
Traviata F1

Traviata is a strong growing, well-balanced plant that produces half-long, uniform, black, shiny fruits. A high yielding and early variety recommended for spring and summer open field and unheated greenhouse production. Crop Eggplant Crop ...

early aubergine seeds
early aubergine seeds
Abrivado F1

early aubergine seeds
early aubergine seeds
Bonica HF1

white flesh aubergine seeds
white flesh aubergine seeds

See the other products
Rijk Zwaan
hybrid aubergine seeds
hybrid aubergine seeds
Pandora Striped Rose

... excitement to a vegetable mix. Seeds Per Package: 2 g packet - Approximately 450 Seeds 1 oz - Approximately 6,500 Seeds 4 oz - Approximately 26,000 Seeds 1 lb ...

early aubergine seeds
early aubergine seeds

summer aubergine seeds
summer aubergine seeds

See the other products
Graines Voltz - Voltz Horticulture
hybrid aubergine seeds
hybrid aubergine seeds

The fruit is oval, shiny black coloured, with a uniform size and average weight of 400-500 g. The calix is medium green and spineless. Excellent shelf life in post-harvest. The plant is medium vigorous, compact, with good yield and medium-early ...

early aubergine seeds
early aubergine seeds

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