Hybrid onion seeds

10 companies | 15 products
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early onion seeds
early onion seeds

... Large to jumbo size potential. Long storage (up to 6 months in our trials). Avg. 107,500 seeds/lb. Packet: 250 seeds. SCIENTIFIC NAME: Allium cepa CULTURE: Onions require full ...

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medium onion seeds
medium onion seeds

Elsye is a mid-maturity intermediate yellow onion with excellent size potential and a mild, sweet flavor. It has strong vigor and bolting tolerance, making it a prime choice for growers looking for a high yielding variety. ...

very early onion seeds
very early onion seeds

Super extra early, over-wintering, intermediate onion. Semi-globe shaped bulb, about 250 g weight with yellowish brown skin. Harvestable in the end of March in warm areas in temperate regions.

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leaf blight resistant onion seeds
leaf blight resistant onion seeds
Yankee F1

hybrid onion seeds
hybrid onion seeds

Main season short-day red. Granex shape. Deep attractive red color. Vigorous disease resistant tops with a strong root system. A consistently good performer with pink root resistance and low pungency. Good internal color. Great option ...

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Bejo Zaden B.V.
mid-late onion seeds
mid-late onion seeds

Long day hybrid onion variety with great yield potential. The white bulbs are perfectly round and very uniform, with good size (160-200 g) and very good bulb covering. Plants are vigorous, with medium-late ...

hybrid onion seeds
hybrid onion seeds

Hybrid red onion, which yields slightly less than Red Baron but gives a higher percentage of pre pack quality.

mid-late onion seeds
mid-late onion seeds
Elenka F1 pvp

... the ability to develop a high number of skins that protect the bulb very well. It is certainly the most suitable hybrid for mechanical onion processing starting from harvest, storage, package and transport.

medium onion seeds
medium onion seeds

... outstanding hybrid short day onion tailored for tropical growing seasons. This variety has PRR resistance, thin necks, excellent uniformity, and a 2-4 month storage ability. This makes it highly desirable ...

hybrid onion seeds
hybrid onion seeds
Hi Keeper

With excellent winter hardiness, this is by far the best variety for overwintering from an autumn sowing outdoors. Onion 'Hi Keeper' produces quality globe shaped bulbs weighing 120g (4oz), with golden yellow skins that ...

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