Hybrid spinach seeds

6 companies | 17 products
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annual spinach seeds
annual spinach seeds

... Packet: 1,000 seeds Avg. 35,300 seeds/lb SCIENTIFIC NAME: Spinacia oleracea CULTURE: Spinach grows in a wide range of soils if moist and fertile but is sensitive to acidity; ...

fusarium resistant spinach seeds
fusarium resistant spinach seeds
Parys F1

powdery mildew resistant spinach seeds
powdery mildew resistant spinach seeds
Piano F1

A smooth leaved hybrid spinach, ideal for baby leaf production. Dark green leaf with a high resistance to Downy Mildew in races Pe 1-15, 17, 19

See the other products
Tozer Seeds Ltd
very early spinach seeds
very early spinach seeds

See the other products
Rijk Zwaan
hybrid spinach seeds
hybrid spinach seeds
Andromeda F1

• Thick leaves • Medium green color • Good vigor • Very stable variety Leaf shape Oval Growing season For cool seasons

See the other products
hybrid spinach seeds
hybrid spinach seeds
Molokai F1

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