Intra-ruminal boluses

7 companies | 31 products
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nutrition bolus
nutrition bolus

RU-FORTE Bolus- For improved digestion. RU-FORTE is a rumenotoric bolus developed to treat ruminal hypomotility in ruminants. Ruminal hypomotility reduces the normal ...

nutrition bolus
nutrition bolus
Oligovet Reproduction

Fertility in cattle breeding is a major concern. Infertility costs are substancial for the breeder (10% of gross breeding income*), both in direct charges (repeated artificial inseminations) as well as indirect charges more difficult ...

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tracking bolus
tracking bolus
smaXtex Bolus pH Plus

The smaXtec pH & Temp Sensor is designed to provide continuous measurement of ruminal pH and temperature of cows. The recorded data is transmitted wirelessly to the Base Station in real-time. BENEFITS OF PH MEASUREMENT - ...

nutrition bolus
nutrition bolus

Reduces the risk of milk fever – Rapid dissolution and absorption – 5 very soluble sources of calcium – Fast and easy to administer – No waste – Ideal for cows that have calved more than twice and heifers having their first calf that ...

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nutrition bolus
nutrition bolus

Mineral bolus that boosts udder vitality and resistance. The Udder-Vital Bolus is a supplementary animal feed (mineral feed) to boost the animal’s udder vitality and general resistance. This mineral ...

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Biochem Products
nutrition bolus
nutrition bolus
Maycillin Dry

MAYCILLIN DRY is a Dairy Cow bolus for use in cows during the drying off process. Format: - Bolus Pack Size: - 10 Category: - Dairy Cow Bolus For Use With: - Cows & Cattle MAYCILLIN ...

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Mayo Healthcare
tracking bolus
tracking bolus

... white weight:bolus for cattle:67.5g bolus for sheep:19.5g diameter:bolus for cattle:Ø19.1±0.3mm bolus for sheep:Ø11.1±0.3mm length:bolus for ...

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