Loader backhoes

6 companies | 11 products
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loader backhoe
loader backhoe

5 removable spikes. 3-point hitching to tractor. Removable side. Double hydraulic distributor. 3-point telescopic arm.

loader backhoe
loader backhoe

Avant backhoe 170 is a compact digging unit, intended mainly for Avant 200 series. The main focus in design was user-friendliness and straight forward construction. Backhoe 170 is a small backhoe, ...

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Avant Tecno Oy
loader backhoe
loader backhoe

... Multifunctional · Extendible stick, 4 in 1 bucket, electic control and flow adjustable. Unleash your potential with our Backhoe Loader. Easy to control & Multi-purpose · Boom Float, Return to Dig, ...

loader backhoe
loader backhoe
CP series

Rear loaders for agricultural machines are devices suitable for loading and unloading manure, earth, gravel and other materials. The device maintains a mechanical parallelogram which keeps the terminal tool leveled to ...

tractor backhoe
tractor backhoe

•Excavate and similar services with different terminal applicable implements Hydraulic excavator driven by the seat on the excavator frame Digger controlled by the seat on the excavator frame, with lateral shifting mechanical locking, ...

loader backhoe
loader backhoe

The 509B Backhoe has a 116" maximum digging depth with 12" to 38" buckets available.

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