Low pressure humidifiers

2 companies | 4 products
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{{#each product.featureValues}} {{content}} {{/each}}
{{#if product.productPrice }} {{#if product.productPrice.price }}

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misting humidifier
misting humidifier

The UCP Fly humidifier/cooler combines with a single motor a centrifugal nebulizer and a fan, reducing the size, consumption and installation costs. FIELDS OF APPLICATION In agriculture: to humidify greenhouses ...

misting humidifier
misting humidifier

The UCP centrifugal humidifier is combined with a stainless steel body air circulator. Humidifier and circulator are equipped with two separate motors, making operation extremely flexible. The ...

misting humidifier
misting humidifier

PH is the professional humidifier that produces a superior quality mist. It is flexible and adapts perfectly to small environments. It has low consumption and requires little maintenance. It ...

greenhouse humidifier
greenhouse humidifier

HUFITEC is a state-of-the-art crop treatment and humidification system developed by RITEC. Equipped with low-pressure AIR -WATER spray nozzles, it allows the operator to adjust the size of the drop to ...

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