Manure amendments

7 companies | 10 products
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{{product.productLabel}} {{product.model}}

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{{#each product.featureValues}} {{content}} {{/each}}
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{{#each product.featureValues}} {{content}} {{/each}}
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{{/each}} {{/pushedProductsPlacement5.length}}
compost amendment
compost amendment

... mushroom cultivation process. This mixture, available in Big Bags of 1,000 liters (approximately 750 kg), contains straw, manure and other components, whose details may vary according to the manufacturer. This compost ...

organic amendment
organic amendment
Earthworm humus

Our Worm Humus is a high quality organic fertilizer, produced from cattle manure through a vermicomposting process. This natural product, enriched and stabilized by worm activity, is designed to optimize soil health, ...

organic amendment
organic amendment

Much more than a simple manure. Terrafumur® is made from two sources of organic matter, an animal source and a plant source: grape pomace. This composition offers gardeners and professional growers the double benefit ...

organic amendment
organic amendment

Organic amendment NF U44-051 Approved for use in Organic Agriculture THE MOST SOLD -Complete NPK balance: 2,2-1,5-1 + 2 -Selection of 10 noble organic raw materials -Equilibrium between humus yield and high biological ...

organic amendment
organic amendment

Brunnings Cow Manure is a natural, organic material which is an ideal soil conditioner and manure for adding to light, sandy soils or heavy soils lacking in organic matter. -Enhances development of ...

organic amendment
organic amendment

... kg / per 100 m3 liquid manure / in 1,000 l fresh water and feed into the bottom third of the slurry tankDosage in solid manure storage Dissolve 1 – 1.5 kg / per 100 m3 solid manure ...

organic amendment
organic amendment

See the other products
organic amendment
organic amendment

OSMO Dried Manure is an organic soil amendment based on cow and chicken manure. OSMO Dried Manure consists exclusively of natural raw materials and has a high content ...

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