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- Manure fork
Manure forks

Three advantages make a big difference: Our manure forks have specially hardened bottom beam that will not be deformed or bent when in use. The tines are fitted before painting the implement - metal touches ...

manure forkD45-D46 Silage fork with grapple
The Silagefork with grapple is strong designed and can be used for tearing out manure or silage out of the stock. This machine is used for many different works on the farms. Standard equipment: • Thick material main ...
Bressel und Lade Maschinenbau GmbH

Metal-Fach has now added a new and improved fork for manure and hay handling to its product portfolio. Type Q is available in the width range from 1.2 m to 1.8 m. The load capacity varies from 500 kg ...

The Skeleton Fork and Grab was designed to handle bulky material such as loose hay, brush, manure etc. The large grapple opening allows for grabbing large materials and transporting them from one point to another.
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