Medium early melon seeds

2 companies | 3 products
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medium early melon seeds
medium early melon seeds
Uranus F1

This hybrid shows moderate vigor, with large leaves providing a good cover protecting the fruits from sun scorch. It is medium early in maturity and shows a high fruit setting ability. Fruit skin is smooth ...

medium early melon seeds
medium early melon seeds

High quality fruit and high yield It is a big size Ananas type with oval shape. It has high sugar content and nice aroma. Fruit ant flesh color is cream orange and netted. Fruit weight is approx. 2-3 kg. Variety has a good yield and ...

See the other products
Manier Seeds
medium early melon seeds
medium early melon seeds
MRM 99 F1

-Galia type. -Suitable for tunnel and open field production. -Medium early, high tolerance to fungal diseases and high yield variety. -Fruit weight is approx. 2,5-3 kg. -Disease Resistance: IR: PM, DM

See the other products
Manier Seeds
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