Medium early watermelon seeds

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medium early watermelon seeds
medium early watermelon seeds

This reliable watermelon features a vigorous strong plant with mid-early maturity, consistent performance in adverse conditions, and blocky fruits of medium-green color with dark-green ...

medium early watermelon seeds
medium early watermelon seeds
Bomber F1

Plant: medium vigorous with good leaf coverage; Shape: deep round; Weight: 12-14 kg; Skin: very thick with crimson stripes; Flesh: deep red, firm flesh, very sweet; Cultivation: small tunnel and open field.

medium early watermelon seeds
medium early watermelon seeds

High quality fruit and high yield Fruit shape is oval and have small seeds and very delicious. So it has a high market value. The variety is mid-early variety and good for tunnel and open field production. ...

medium early watermelon seeds
medium early watermelon seeds

A high quality Crimson Sweet, with smaller seeds and better adaptation Features Top gun type with smaller seeds Very uniform in sizes and shape Good performance in regions where crimson sweet is used

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