Metal footbaths

8 companies | 9 products
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foot bath for livestock buildings
foot bath for livestock buildings

... Efficient care The Hoof bath for Lely Meteor offers regular care for hooves. Safe to use: with a simple push of a button, the foot bath fills up with water and a hoof care product. The cows walk through the hoof bath, ...

footbath for livestock buildings
footbath for livestock buildings

footbath for livestock buildings
footbath for livestock buildings

An automated hoofbath is an excellent way to maintain the health of your animals. Lameness can be brought on by infectious diseases such as hairy warts. And even non-infectious issues like bruises and ulcers can be treated early as well ...

foot bath for livestock buildings
foot bath for livestock buildings

Cow friendly Continuous cow flow Drain and clean quickly Durable design Get results! Less solution = less cost Each bath is 6ft long – use two baths

footbath for livestock buildings
footbath for livestock buildings

This walk-through foot bath consists of two adjacent channels through which your medication or disinfectant is pumped at great speed. When the cows walk through the channels, the liquid is sprayed forcefully against the ...

See the other products
metal foot bath
metal foot bath

Can be used in conjunction with Prattley Mobile Sheep Yard System anywhere on your farm. FEATURES Lightweight Portable Stone embedded fibre glass floor 8' to suit permanent races 33" fits in Prattley Handling Race Other widths ...

footbath for livestock buildings
footbath for livestock buildings

Comprising of -2 x 2500mm sheeted hurdles • 2 x 1000mm guillotine gates -1 x footbath with matting This is the perfect starter unit to build from and is quick and easy to set up. SPECIFICATION LENGTH - 2500mm WIDTH ...

footbath for livestock buildings
footbath for livestock buildings

... through foot bath for livestock. Connecting two foot baths together, the washing action of the first foot bath removes damaging material from hooves, helping to prevent a buildup of dirt ...

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