Motorized screen systems

6 companies | 6 products
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{{#each product.featureValues}} {{content}} {{/each}}
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{{/each}} {{/pushedProductsPlacement4.length}}
{{#pushedProductsPlacement5.length}} {{#each pushedProductsPlacement5}}

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wind protection curtain
wind protection curtain

Windprotection systems and doors from AGROTEL provide optimal equipment throughout the year. Your animals will be grateful for the improved air and light conditions. Advantages: -Customized for your ...

shade screen system
shade screen system

... climate and more animal health. Our side ventilation or curtains are used over the entire long side of the barn to ventilate the barn particularly effectively. The modern side ventilation systems offer ...

shade curtain
shade curtain

... curtains for shelter – from 10 to 70 meters. Front automatic curtains, metal structure, curtain gear motor with 0.5 mm holes. 2-section curtains – 75.00 m length. Roll-up blinds from ...

windbreak barrier
windbreak barrier
Cortinas para galpones IVEGA

CURTAIN SYSTEMS FOR POULTRY HOUSES In a poultry house, curtains are used to protect the birds from direct sunlight, rain and the harsh winter conditions. The curtain ...

shade screen system
shade screen system

... solution for large surface greenhouses. A SmartScreen ® is a new screen concept that brings together two major innovations. Firstly, because of the Easy Refresh ® retractable cloth system, future replacements ...

wind protection curtain
wind protection curtain

This curtain is designed for weekly, or even daily use, when motorised. Particularly suitable for use as a door, this curtain is prized for its finishing and ease of operation. It consists of canvas ...

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