Mounted fertilizer spreaders

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3-point hitch fertilizer applicator
3-point hitch fertilizer applicator
LSP Series

Steel conical hopper spreader equipped with four or six fins spreading discs, for granual or crystalline fertilizers. Standard equipment: Primed and two components polyuretane finish /e-coated disc and ...

mounted fertilizer spreader
mounted fertilizer spreader

Capacity: 2,500 l

... chains and fertilizers. The machine to the tractor after the output of the power source for the fertilizer, integrated slowdown device, thus ensuring the reliability of the operation of the row of fertilizer, ...

3-point hitch fertilizer applicator
3-point hitch fertilizer applicator
CDR-260, CDR-600

Capacity: 24, 270 l

Fertilizer spreader CDR series is a fertiilzer machine designed according to USA technology ,mainly used to apply base fertilizer before tillage,sow seeds after tillage and spread seeds ...

tractor-mounted fertilizer applicator
tractor-mounted fertilizer applicator

Capacity: 600, 1,000 l

A wet harvest means a late harvest and therefore late drilling, giving the Oil-Seed Rape a shorter period of time for the plant to achieve enough strength and size to get through the winter months, and furthermore a cold, wet autumn means ...

3-point hitch fertilizer spreader
3-point hitch fertilizer spreader

Capacity: 300, 250, 150, 420, 380 l

.Three point hitch, cat. I and II .Oil bath gear box .Double lever command, indipendent opening and closing right/left .Agitator .4 fans .Cardan OPTIONAL .Long distance mechanical device .Long distance hydraulic device .Side ...

mounted fertilizer spreader
mounted fertilizer spreader

Capacity: 450, 650, 800 l

... Industries's fertilizer spreader is designed for the spreading of all types of products i­n powder or granulated form (with constant homogeneity). Its rotor distribution system provides very high accuracy ...

mounted fertilizer spreader
mounted fertilizer spreader

Key Features These can be fitted on request to apply a granular fertiliser at the same time as planting. They can be driven from the land wheel of the drill or via electric motors.

mounted fertilizer spreader
mounted fertilizer spreader
AG 250-500

Capacity: 250 l - 500 l

The AG 250−500 spreader is designed for spreading mineral, granular and powdered fertilizers. Its design ensures an even product spread across the entire spreader working width. Thanks ...

3-point hitch fertilizer spreader
3-point hitch fertilizer spreader

Capacity: 800, 1,000, 1,200, 380 l

Row-crop fertilizer 3-point hitch tractor mounted fertilizer spreader, available in both versions: mounted or semi-mounted. Suitable ...

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mounted fertilizer spreader
mounted fertilizer spreader

Capacity: 16 m³

The Oxbo AT4103 three-wheel, all-wheel drive high flotation slurry, manure and biosolids applicator. The AT4103 features a three-wheel design with an adjustable, powered front wheel easily turns with our load-centered weight distribution, ...

mounted fertilizer spreader
mounted fertilizer spreader
R-DJV series

Capacity: 300, 400, 500 l

FERTI fertiliser spreaders fall in the category of mounted spreaders and are designed for distribution of dry granular, powdery and crystalline fertilizers, and lime. ...

3-point hitch fertilizer spreader
3-point hitch fertilizer spreader

FLEX SPREADER IMPLEMENTS The Andros FLEX compact spreader is ideal for narrow rows and tight configuration. With our engineered belted conveying system, a multitude of materials can be spread: such as ...

mounted fertilizer spreader
mounted fertilizer spreader

Capacity: 200 l - 650 l

Standard equipment • Dreipunktanhängung Kat. II - Bolzen • Trichter aus Kunststoff 200-650kg • Mechanische Streumengenverstellung (mittels Hebels) • Mechanische Öffnung und Schließung der Streuspalte • Streuscheibe aus INOX (Durchmesser ...

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mounted fertilizer spreader
mounted fertilizer spreader

Capacity: 1,100, 1,300 l

... Each cell can be independently adjusted and driven by mechanical rate governor. The fertilizer can be dosed up to 450 kg / Ha at 8 km / h. The fertilizer can be placed on the ground or buried ...

mounted fertilizer spreader
mounted fertilizer spreader

Capacity: 340 l - 2,500 l

... type of fertilizer on worked soils, at very reduced costs. It is available in different versions with capacity from 340 to 2500 litres. It can be in fact loaded with whole big sacks, to reduce idle times and the operator’s ...

mounted fertilizer spreader
mounted fertilizer spreader
FKFS series

Capacity: 400, 500, 180, 250 l

... for obtaining maximum spreading of fertilizer with precision and uniformity. •Adjustable positions to obtain maximum spreading precision. •Shielded front plate to prevent spreading of material in front of spreader. •Agitator ...

mounted fertilizer applicator
mounted fertilizer applicator
FS-LT series

Capacity: 350 l - 1,200 l

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mounted fertilizer spreader
mounted fertilizer spreader

... is designed for fertilization of Christmas trees and ornamental foliage cultres, even spreading flow by the means of the spreader with pendulous motions. All functions are driven by the tractor´s hydraulic system. Width ...

mounted fertilizer applicator
mounted fertilizer applicator

Capacity: 950, 1,300, 1,600, 1,850 l

A perfect machine for small construction sites, thanks to its new type of roller a homogeneous and continuous spreading of the product is allowed The quantity of the product is regulated through a hydraulic device developed by our ...

mounted fertilizer applicator
mounted fertilizer applicator
TG series

Capacity: 400, 600 l

The spreader is used for spreading fertilizers and other fine materials. Two opposite-rotating discs ensure a steady double-scattering (10–12 m) even on sloping land. Advantages: •Two opposite-rotating ...

mounted fertilizer spreader
mounted fertilizer spreader

Even, centrifugal spreading of mineral fertilizers on the upper soil layer. EQUIPMENT Operating components: 2 turning spreading discs with blades. Securing: work elements and discs made of stainless steel.

mounted fertilizer applicator
mounted fertilizer applicator
FSP series

The Bush Hog three point hitch fertilizer spreaders have bottom opening gates for accurate flow rates. Variable gate position openings and fine adjustments ensure material drops on different positions ...

mounted fertilizer spreader
mounted fertilizer spreader

... Broadcaster helps in spreading of fertilizers with ease and efficiency •Traditional method of spreading manually is eliminated removing human fatigue •More area can be covered uniformly. •Sporadic spreading of fertilizer ...

mounted fertilizer spreader
mounted fertilizer spreader
T-CDGS series

Capacity: 800, 1,000, 1,200 l

... disc fertilizer spreader is an ideal machine that can broadcast the fertilizer by means of its winnowing disks and wings on ideal distance in a balanced and regular manner and in this ...

mounted fertilizer spreader
mounted fertilizer spreader

Capacity: 300, 500 l

Stainless steel hopper 300L or 500L with standard or lateral spreading mechanism.

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