Mounted rake tedders

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mounted rake tedder
mounted rake tedder
JF Spin 3000

Number of rotors: 2 unit
Working width: 3,000 mm

JF Spin 3000 S2 rake and tedder combo has a flexible system resulting in versatility in a single equipment. Its tines are adjustable and spread the forage evenly for a quicker and homogeneous drying, ...

mounted rake tedder
mounted rake tedder

Number of rotors: 2 unit
Working width: 3.6 m

... can use it at upper position to decrease wear rate of it. -At the fields when the crops level is less or not too much you rake more lines by more passes. Empty Weight:360 kg Working Width Swath Raking:7.20 m(In ...

mounted rake tedder
mounted rake tedder
RA 450-13D Profi

Number of rotors: 1 unit
Working width: 410, 450 cm

High technology for quality forage Rander Profi single-rotor rotary rakes- swathers, with working width from cm 410 to 450 and sturdy 13 arm oil-bath assemblies ensure high productivity and excellent forage quality. ...

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Frandent group srl
mounted rake tedder
mounted rake tedder

Number of rotors: 2 unit
Working width: 2 m

Rotary tedder with two rotors, it is mounted to the rear tractor lifter, acted by the power take-off. It has 2 rotors with 5 arms each. TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS Minimum transport width:1.30 m Wheels:swivelling ...

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Repossi macchine agricole s.r.l.
mounted rake tedder
mounted rake tedder

Number of rotors: 6 unit
Working width: 1,800 mm

Tedder rake. Spreads, prepares swaths or stacks for faster drying of crops. ADVANTAGES 6-arm tedder Cardan shaft included.

mounted rake tedder
mounted rake tedder

BALE KING VR WHEEL RAKES- A new generation of wheel rakes! Superior performance of the VR rake in poor conditions that sets it above other makes Rake Wheels are closer ...

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