Multi-row rotary hoes

3 companies | 3 products
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orchard rotary hoe
orchard rotary hoe
RH 600 M1

Width: 6 m
Tractor power: 65 ch

The Rotary Hoe RH 600 M1 is ideal for breaking the encrustation. The rotating hoe rings bury or uproot the weeds, promote the tillering and introduce oxygen into the soil. Due to the ...

orchard rotary hoe
orchard rotary hoe
RH 600 M1

Width: 6 m
Tractor power: 65 ch

The rotating hoe rings of the RH 600 M1 bury or uproot the weeds, promote the tillering and introduce oxygen into the soil. Due to the rotating rings, the tines remain free of plant and soil material. The hoe ...

orchard rotary hoe
orchard rotary hoe

Width: 6.6, 8, 12.4 m
Tractor power: 90, 110, 160 ch

Multi-role crop care expert The ROTOCARE rotary hoe conserves the crop and is row-independent while delivering maximum output and low wear. In addition to its advantages ...

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