N fertilizers

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N fertilizers | Choosing the Right Fertilizer
The type of plants will also require certain fertilizers over other ones. Here, we’ll point to three specific plants that have particular needs: perennials, grass and potted plants. Perennial plants feed heavily on phosphorus in order to bloom abundantly, and require fertilizers rich in this mineral such as ones that use fish bone meal, bone meal and even guano. A supply of phosphor at the very beginning of spring will favor their start, while another in the...
mineral fertilizer
mineral fertilizer

Improves berry, must & wine quality, stimulates photosynthesis, increases the thickness of the berry skin which delays botrytis penetration. Lipoxyline®, the active ingredient of ECOBIOS® VIGNE, is a specific lipopeptide that occurs ...

fertilizer with trace elements
fertilizer with trace elements

... 15S With nitrification inhibitor. For slow release of Nitrogen. Controlled release fertilizers. 2-4-6-9-12 Months. NPK's and straight nitrogen fertilizers. Blends

mineral fertilizer
mineral fertilizer
NP+ 19-38-0-7S

Binary fertilizer, complex granule Use NP* are nitrogen and phosphate-based complex fertilizers, enriched with secondary and micro nutrients. These formulations increase agricultural ...

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mineral fertilizer
mineral fertilizer

mineral fertilizer
mineral fertilizer

Specifically formulated TIGER 90CR® sulphur fertilizer (0-0-0-90) is designed to quickly degrade, disperse and convert to sulphate throughout the growing season. Research shows that TIGER 90CR® sulphur converts to sulphate ...

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