Nursery plants transplanters

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Nursery plants transplanters | Choosing the Right Transplanter
The main types of crops for which transplanters are used include vegetables, rice, tobacco, trees, nursery plants and banana trees, to name a few. We can split crops into two main categories: plants and trees.   Plants: This includes flowers, vegetables, tobacco, rice, etc. Transplanters for plants make it possible to replant seedlings and bare root plants. They serve in particular to open the furrow in the soil of the destination site, plant the...
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vegetable transplanter
vegetable transplanter

vegetable transplanter
vegetable transplanter

TC MD line: plant/horticultural/tobacco transplanter with rotary system. Available in many versions, many transplant elements, special frames, specific accessories. High quality and productivity. Systems ...

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Spapperi nt S.r.l.
vegetable transplanter
vegetable transplanter

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Spapperi nt S.r.l.
vegetable transplanter
vegetable transplanter

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Spapperi nt S.r.l.
tree transplanter
tree transplanter

Dutchman's Staker is designed to minimize the time and cost of staking large quantities of trees. Stakes can be securely anchored in a pilot hole up to two feet deep. At 15 seconds per tree, the Staker can stake thousands a day. It connects ...

vegetable planter
vegetable planter

Beans - broad beans - onions - garlic - tulips - saffron - gladiolus - potatoes planter (any rows). Number of rows - any Distance between rows - from 28 cm to any Depth of planting - any Seed spacing - any on request ...

nursery plants transplanter
nursery plants transplanter

... crawler belt, new units withrollershares or solid shares, improved equipmentfor transport of the transplanter Mainly intended for planting of forest plants andsimilar cultures. Self-propelled with ...

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Egedal Maskinenfabrik
vegetable transplanter
vegetable transplanter
PLANTA S240 Series

... cooperating with tractors of class 0.6 one can plant seedlings of cabbage, celery, tomatoes, peppers, strawberries, etc. Whereas in horticulture and forestry these planters can be successfully used to ...

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