Onions bed formers

4 companies | 4 products
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{{/end}} {{/each}}


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1-row bed former
1-row bed former

Width: 450 mm - 1,200 mm

... loose, soil and forms the bed, lateral shares gathers soil and central shares fills the middle of bed 2. Soil containment sides set up soil gathered by the front shares 3. Pressing roller compact ...

2-row bed former
2-row bed former

Width: 45 cm - 150 cm

... inter-row roto-tilling of: tobacco, corn, tomato, beetroot, sunflower, cotton, flowers, potato, pepper, bean, cauliflower, celery, onion, fennel, thistle, strawberries, Christmas trees, leek.) with greater yields and ...

4-row bed former
4-row bed former

... cut chemical costs by a third. With the use of internal bedformers built within the frame of the machine, deeper and firmer beds can be established.

1-row bed former
1-row bed former

Maximise yields by planting in beds Single, Double and Triple Bed Formers Planting in beds is not a new concept, it has been around for many years. Bed ...

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