Onions harvesting shears

2 companies | 3 products
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fruits harvesting shears
fruits harvesting shears
T-70 series

T-700 line, M-700 line shears are used for picking up onions. also they are designed for picking fruits and gathering vegetables. Total Length:210mm Blade Length:63mm Weight:140g Blade:high-quality ...

See the other products
fruits harvesting shears
fruits harvesting shears

T-700 line, M-700 line shears are used for picking up onions. also they are designed for picking fruits and gathering vegetables. Total Length:205mm Blade Length:62mm Weight:118g Blade:high-quality ...

See the other products
onions harvesting shears
onions harvesting shears

Red Rooster® Onion Shear Double bow spring high carbon steel blades with razor sharp points and double bow spring. 12½" overall 6½" cut. Excellent Quality Blades are resharpenable. FEATURES: - 12½" ...

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