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- Perforated film
Perforated films
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... simple structures that create the same effects on crops as a greenhouse but on a smaller scale. We offer a complete range of films to cover small and medium tunnels, made with multi-layer technology that improves agronomic ...
Armando Alvarez Group
Perforated Film STD Our Perfolia Perforated Film offers a growth-promoting microclimate, similar to a greenhouse. Our film lets sunlight through during ...
... filling of the Pockets however once soil enters the pocket it is trapped. Rain water can enter but escapes though micro perforated holes on the pocket itself. Better performance bearing great benefits for the asparagus growers.
... shrink film for protection and longer shelf life of your cucumbers. Features of our cucumber shrink profile The cucumber shrink film that we make has the following features: •High transparent film ...
GOBLIN BLACK Deep-black film produced from a polyethylene blend, designed to ensure excellent mechanical strength to tear, perforation and trample, allowing complete removal from the field after the use. GOBLIN BLACK ...
Guarniflon SpA - PATI Division
Prevents water condensation drops from forming on the film’s surface, which improves radiation towards the ground. A valid option for natural mulch. All of our mulch films can be macroperforated with ...
Solplast S.A.
Weed Control Fabric With Planting Holes Landscape, Ground and Weed Fabric is generally made of plastic or cloth. It works by stopping the supply of sunlight to the weeds, thereby killing them. Organic versions of ground covers can be ...
Earlier harvest wepelen® early harvesting film ensures a micro-climate that promotes growth, similar to a greenhouse. In this way, the film accelerates the harvesting of temperature-sensitive fruit and ...
Film made in clear colour in base to LDPE, LLDPE (lineal) or both, with different thicknesses depending on the application required. Properties and applications: Mulching technique with SOTRAFILM NT is designed to ...
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