Pig barn

9 companies | 9 products
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{{product.productLabel}} {{product.model}}

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pig barn
pig barn

... concept has proved to allow profitable piglet rearing, pig finishing and wean-to-finish systems: in closed housing, in ventilated barns with stimulating fresh air or in true naturally ventilated open-air ...

pig barn
pig barn

Prefabricated pig houses of 5,60 mts wide per length needed in weaning, farrowing, quarantine, etc. Features .Sizes: 5.60 mts wide per length needed (extensions every 2,86mts) .Height: 180 cms at the lower part and ...

pig barn
pig barn

Fully integrated housing G+K has specialised in designing and building fully-integrated pig housing solutions since 1980. Our designs have featured sandwich panel external walls right from the start. With their excellent ...

pig barn
pig barn

pig barn
pig barn

... circulation from the roof space. Adapted to your needs As regards the group size for pig fattening, the WOLF sty concepts can be ideally customized to the demands of the pig farmer. Use WOLF System ...

pig barn
pig barn

Our pig sheds are built using the most modern farming technologies in order to get exceptional productivity levels. They guarantee optimal living conditions for the animals and a functional work environment.

cattle barn
cattle barn

Features The use of a greenhouse as a barn or shed allows considerable savings, without any obstacles to hygiene and animal welfare. We create customized, open or closed structures with manual or automated openings ...

pig barn
pig barn

The steel structure of the pig house has better shock resistance, wind resistance, heat preservation, biological safety, durability

pig livestock building
pig livestock building

... regardless the weather. Buildings for rabbits Very economic and very well isolated buildings. Buildings for pigs Buildings for pigs for fattening, gestation and maternity.

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