Pig gates

9 companies | 10 products
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livestock gate
livestock gate
SHB Series

Width: 4'00", 5'00", 6'00"

... or home use, these bow gates are designed for the confinement of small livestock, such as sheep, hogs, and goats. These versatile gates allow for quick and easy setup. With vertical bars that are set ...

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livestock gate
livestock gate

Hog Slat manufactures and supplies a complete line of economical steel penning and gating equipment for nursery pigs, wean-to-finish hogs and breeding swine barn confinement needs. Our swine penning equipment ...

livestock gate
livestock gate
JB Flex

The JB Flex rear gate is the optimal solution when upgrading the existing gestation crates due to an individual adjustment and easy mounting. The JB FLEX rear gate is mounted on high posts behind ...

livestock gate
livestock gate

The hurdles and gates for pig breeding farms are manufactured from hot-dip galvanized construction with high quality assemblings allowing quick and easy installation. The hurdle elements provide long service life.

livestock gate
livestock gate

Width: 3.5 m

These ones are made of tubes of 44 and 27 diam. , vertically railing , they have a height of 1m07 and can cover lengths up to 3m50. Supplied with 2 telescopic nozzles, the assembly is facilitated. - The panel : its 4 hinges renders ...

livestock gate
livestock gate

The range of penning system that we produce is huge and covers every need in the sectors fattening, gestation and weaning. Propose solutions in various types of materials: - STAINLESS steel; - GALVANISED steel; - Combined with ...

livestock gate
livestock gate

Self closing Can be locked from the back of the stall Optional: Pneumatic operating

livestock gate
livestock gate

Soon we will start manufacturing corral panels for cows, claves, sheep, pigs and horses, which are so built to withstand years of continuous use. Corral panels possess heavy duty and animal safe steel design. Panels are ...

livestock gate
livestock gate

Piglet weaning shed (animals from kg 6 to approximately kg 35) made of: Box partition gates made of AISI 304 stainless steel Openable box entrance gate with opening pins and safety lock

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