Pink tomato seeds

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pink tomato seeds
pink tomato seeds
Enroza F1

... year, and Enroza is always the variety that ends up on our dinner plate at the end of the day. Enroza is a small round pink tomato, with high-yielding fruit that average about 6-7 oz. (170-200 g). It ...

pink tomato seeds
pink tomato seeds

F1 hybrid tomato Pink tomato for loose harvest Growing area: Protected heated Pruning advice 4 – 5 fruits per cluster 160 – 200 gram Resistance HR: ToMV:0,1,2 / Va:0 / Vd:0 / Fol:0,1 Resistance ...

pink tomato seeds
pink tomato seeds

Tomato (Indeterminate, Round shape, Pink color fruits) Intermediate resistant to TYLCV (Israel type and mild type), early maturity and tasty variety. Vigorous plant, short internode. Good fruit setting, ...

pink tomato seeds
pink tomato seeds

Clear Pink Tomato Seeds. 58 - 85 days to maturity. Lycopersicon esculentum. Open Pollinated. Annual. Determinate. This productive 30-inch plant yields an enormous amount of fruit! 1 lb ...

red tomato seeds
red tomato seeds
Super Marmande

Semi-Bush. Tomato 'Super Marmande' is a large, juicy beefsteak tomato with a rich sweet flavour. Distinguished by its irregular cushion shape and touch of pink on the shoulders, it ...

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