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- Aquaculture >
- Polyester oxygenator
Polyester oxygenators
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floating compact enrichment system pioneering technology safe operation / maintenance free motor located above the water surface low energy costs - very effective clogging free available in two size 0.37 and 0.55 kW
Linn Gerätebau GmbH
Output: 2 l/s - 60 l/s
open input enrichment system ideal for use in reciruclation complexes ensures a good water circulation and oxygen enrichment available in six sizes - water flow 2 - 60 l/s oxygen enrichment 3 - 40 l/min
Linn Gerätebau GmbH
Pressure: 1, 1.3, 0.7 bar
Output: 10 l/s - 375 l/s
Lifting height: 1,900 mm - 2,900 mm
Closed cylindrical oxygenator, working at low pressure, treating water flows from 10 to 375 l/s, and able to dissolve until 400% of the saturation, with a pressure of 0,65 bar. Made in Glass Reinforced Polyester ...
Pressure: 2, 2.5, 1, 1.5 bar
Output: 20 l/s - 375 l/s
Lifting height: 2,650 mm - 3,650 mm
Closed cylindrical oxygenator, working at medium pressure, treating water flows from 10 to 375 l/s, and able to dissolve until 700% of the saturation, with a pressure of 1,5 bar. Made in Glass Reinforced Polyester ...
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