Polyethylene doors

2 companies | 3 products
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calf hutch door
calf hutch door

Made from the same thermoformed polyethylene as all Calf-Tel hutches. High density molecular structure and opaque color with UV protection for durability that will last. Fits 24|74 and 35|85 models. Includes hardware.

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Calf-Tel - L.T. Hampel GmbH
calf hutch door
calf hutch door

Made from the same thermoformed polyethylene as all Calf-Tel hutches. High Density molecular structure and opaque color with UV protection for durability that will last. Fits original Deluxe calf hutches. Measures 19" ...

See the other products
Calf-Tel - L.T. Hampel GmbH
door for livestock buildings
door for livestock buildings

The Teco Doors are available in PE (polyethylene) and PVC (Poly vinyl chloride)m they are designed for the use in stables and therefor very durable. Several options are available like ...

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