Polypropylene plastic mulch

4 companies | 5 products
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UV protection plastic mulch
UV protection plastic mulch

... Ultra-violet résistance: 600 kly DESCRIPTION 100% woven polypropylene anti-UV-treated mulching fabric. The fabric is laid before plantation and prevents weeds growth. It helps plant and shrub growth – The mulch ...

UV protection plastic mulch
UV protection plastic mulch

... Colors : green or black DESCRIPTION 100% woven polypropylene anti-UV-treated mulching fabric. The fabric is laid before plantation and prevents weeds growth . It helps plant and shrub growth – The mulch ...

UV protection plastic mulch
UV protection plastic mulch

... black GLAESERgrow Mulch Nonwoven protects your soil against weeds, enables stronger root development and reduces the need for herbicides! The deprivation of light ensures that growing weeds do not continue to develop. The ...

above-ground plastic mulch
above-ground plastic mulch

USE The ground cover fabric is realized in 100% polypropylene UV stabilized, and is extremely resistant. It’s mostly employed in the nursery’s, in the greenhouses or on the flower-beds to avoid the budding of undesired ...

polypropylene plastic mulch
polypropylene plastic mulch
Nonwoven Mulch

... spunbonded material have their place. They are highly functional as non-woven soil cover films. Why use nonwoven fabric as a mulch?. Because it is efficient and it is very simple to spread the material on the garden. It's ...

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