Pre-cleaners with cyclone

6 companies | 25 products
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grain pre-cleaner
grain pre-cleaner
ZAV Niva 15-M

... and impurities are removed from the separator through the outlet pipes. The presence of an aspiration system, including a cyclone, a fan and air ducts, ensures the selection of light impurities and dust removal of the ...

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grain pre-cleaner
grain pre-cleaner

“OLIS” Ltd offers grain cleaning aggregates ZAV-Niva-50B based on the grain separator LUCH ZSO-75 (ZAV complex of the type ZAV-40). ZAV-“Niva”-50B is used for post-harvest processing of wheat, rye, barley, buckwheat, oats, peas, corn, ...

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grain pre-cleaner
grain pre-cleaner

“OLIS” Ltd offers grain cleaning aggregates ZAV-Niva-25 based on the grain separator LUCH ZSO-40 (ZAV complex of the type ZAV-20). ZAV-Niva-25 is used for post-harvest processing of wheat, rye, barley, buckwheat, oats, peas, corn, ...

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grain pre-cleaner
grain pre-cleaner

Features of separator CAD-4 with cyclone with cyclone Separator CAD-4 with cyclone with cyclone has obtained wide application both on large grain elevators and small ...

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SPC Aeromeh Ltd
grain pre-cleaner
grain pre-cleaner
M 502/2

The M 502/2 separator is intended for cleaning cereal grains and legume seeds from impurities that are lighter than the material being cleaned. Such cleaning is recommended before storage in silos. It consists of the M 502 separator with ...

grain pre-cleaner
grain pre-cleaner
UKS series

grain pre-cleaner
grain pre-cleaner

seed pre-cleaner
seed pre-cleaner

Pulco – Air Aspirator for both light and heavy crops Efficient aspirator The Pulco efficiently separates both light and heavy crops by air. The aspirator can be used in any plant exactly where it will be most useful. It may be for ...

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