Precision seed drills with harrows

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pneumatic precision seed drill
pneumatic precision seed drill
Precea series

Working width: 2.7 m - 3.8 m
Inter-row spacing: 45 cm - 80 cm
Working speed: 3 km/h - 15 km/h

When seeding after the plough, in mulch or direct seeding, the Precea precision air seeder particularly excels with its very accurate placement, high workrates and comfortable operability. The first-class ...

tine precision seed drill
tine precision seed drill

Inter-row spacing: 12 cm - 14.8 cm
Power required: 60 ch - 90 ch
Weight: 480 kg - 1,120 kg

High precision seeder TOP. Moreni is not down to any compromise: materials, components and processing are of European origin.

hopper precision seed drill
hopper precision seed drill
STP series

Working width: 3, 3.5, 4 m

Precision Seeder STP STANDARD EQUIPMENT •Harrow. •Footbridge. •Sowing arms mounted on 3 rows. •Open furrow plow, straight or curved. •Weighing plate and crank. •Wheels scraper. •Signal reflectors. •Wheels ...

hopper precision seed drill
hopper precision seed drill
ŞK-HM Series

Working width: 2,500, 3,000, 3,600, 4,000 mm

UNIVERSAL CEREAL SEEDER WITH GEARBOX all king of cereal seed and forage crops (Wheat, barley, rye, oat, peas, soy, alfalfa, safflower) able to sowing precision and smooth ...

pneumatic precision seed drill
pneumatic precision seed drill
VS H series

Working width: 4, 5, 6 m

Kongskilde Vibro Seeder is a tine seeder combination, for minimum tillage seeding operations in unploughed conditions.

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