Propeller aerators

2 companies | 4 products
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propeller aerator
propeller aerator

Output: 100, 180 m³/h

A time-proven system of aeration. The propeller, powered by an electric motor, sucks up water to eject it high above the water surface. Not only a high degree of oxygen enrichment can be achieved, additionally vertical ...

aquaculture aerator
aquaculture aerator
Force 7 series

Force7 is classified as a powerful aerator. The speed of its propeller creates a pressure drop that draws air from the surface through a suction tube. Force7 injects a large volume of air in the form ...

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aquaculture aerator
aquaculture aerator

... oxygen compared to a simple aerator, with very little additional energy, thanks to the greater volume of water managed by the system. Combo, Combito, and Combix combine the volume of a circulator with the force of ...

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aquaculture aerator
aquaculture aerator
Round 7

... and oxygenator. The Round Seven is composed of one Rio circulator (1 or 2 HP) and one or two powerful submersible Forza7 aerators. This fixed station is equipped with an automated system that allows it to rotate ...

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