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- Rape seed
Rape seeds
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Churchill, the winter oilseed variety, is a game-changer for growers. Developed by DSV, it is one of the first phoma blocker varieties from DSV with both RLM7 and RLMs resistance mechanisms to stem canker, offering the ultimate protection ...


Hanneli - new hybrid with great all round performance! -Excellent disease package -Very strong autumn vigour -Good resistance to lodging and standing ability Characteristics About Hanneli is one of a new generation of hybrids ...

... combination of agronomic traits including a score of 8 for both lodging resistance and stem strength. Pioneer Winter Oilseed Rape seed is available treated with LumigenTM Premium or LumigenTM Insecticide ...
DuPont Pioneer

Mas Seeds


SAATBAU produces and markets seeds of the well known 00-quality (low erucic acid and low glucosinulate levels) of winter oilseed rape which is known for its healthy character in human consumption. The ...


With its experience on the oilseed rape market, Limagrain Europe offers restored hybrids, thus strengthening its line-up for farmers. WINTER OILSEED RAPE To increase the profitability of growing ...
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