Rear mounted rollers

12 companies | 18 products
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{{#each product.featureValues}} {{content}} {{/each}}
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vegetal cover destruction roller
vegetal cover destruction roller
BIOcut maxi

... with Cat 2 and 3, 3-Point hook-up - Overall diameter of roller 850 mm - Working parts 110 mm long, made of high-quality steel, cuts plants - For better overall performance, drum (roller) can ...

crop roller
crop roller

cultivating roller
cultivating roller

... front of the tractor ensures perfect balance. The front hitch also ensures good load distribution when combined with a rear-mounted implement. The front packer, responsible for a clear improvement ...

front mounting roller
front mounting roller
Matador series

Putting a dead-weight on the front of the tractor is not only detrimental to the performance of the tillage and cultivation machinery, it is also false economy. Attaching a Matador from Güttler is putting performance and efficiency infront ...

compacting roller
compacting roller
RC series

The SEGUÉS Cambridge rollers are manufactured with a high strength tubular chassis and independent casting discs. Available from 2.5 up to 12.2 m. Depending on the model, there is a front and rear version. ...

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compacting land roller
compacting land roller

... difference in diameters of the tube and the roller wheel allows the roller to move up and down as it travels in the field, ensuring better integration with the surface. Cambridge rollers ...

cultivating roller
cultivating roller
AW-CR series

Cast iron rolls have an important place in seed bed preparation. It compresses the top layer of the soil to about the depth of the planting, allowing the nutshell to rise up and the underlying nematode that the plant can not use. Seed ...

compacting roller
compacting roller

The silage roller, with its high tare weight and large drum, offers very good silage compaction with good rolling characteristics. The drum´s twelve fines are used for deep compaction. With up to 1000 l water ballasting, ...

packer roller
packer roller

... a molehill board can also be mounted in front, which helps to level and thus prepare the ground for the roller section. Two types of roller rings, can be mounted SNOWFLAKE®, ...

packer roller
packer roller

A TRAILED PACKER FOR FINISHING FIELD SURFACE CUTTERPACK CT is a trailed packer with a working with of 4.6-6.3 metres, consisting of two rows of proven interlocking cutter discs. The packer is suitable for aggregation with BEDNAR TERRALAND ...

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grading roller
grading roller
Series RHD

Cut, crushed and left on the surface residual plants. Best for sunflower and rape. To cope with the residual plants on the surface of the ground without destroyingthe roots. The root of the stubble is kept in the soil which minimizingthe ...

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packer roller
packer roller

Silage packer «А.ТОМ» Width - 2980 mm. Height - 1360 mm. Depth - 1650 mm. Weight - 2180 kg.

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