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- Reproduction feed supplement
Reproduction feed supplements

Dietetic feed in liquid form for bovine Reducing the risk of ketosis and ketosis convalescence. It is recommended to seek the advice of a feed expert or veterinarian. Reduces the risk of ketosis Improves ...
Zehentmayer Vitalstoffe


... Performance Supplement for Horses The following are examples of challenges horse owners face and how Calf-Manna is the solution to their performance issues. The Challenge: Newly weaned foal is having a difficult ...

Welmin Dry Cow EliteWelmin Dry Cow Elite - Welmin Dairy Mineral Supplements Welmin Dry Cow Elite is developed to meet the demands of the high production dairy herd during the dry cow period. It supplies a unique blend ...

... a rumen-protected fat supplement which increases energy supply in diets without increasing the acid load in the rumen and risk of acidosiss, unlike starchy sources of energy such as cereals. Megalac 2.0 is an ideal ...

MINERAAL SUPERIOR contains all minerals, vitamins and trace elements that are necessary to meet the needs of beef cattle in terms of maintenance, growth and gestation. MINERAAL SUPERIOR contains in particular a high dose of vitamin ...

COMPOSITION Each 125 gms contains : Vitamin C Vitamin A Vitamin D3 Vitamin E Vitamin B6 Vitamin K Niacin Calcium Panthothenate Vitamin B2 Vitamin B12 Sodium Sulphate Anhydrous Pot. Chloride Sugar INDICATIONS Summer stress, ...

... to enhance the health and vitality of broodstock and their spawn. Features & Benefits •Excellent water stability of the feed •Superior quality ingredients •Improved female gonad development •Dramatically reduced ...
zeigler feed

A supplement providing protein, minerals and vitamins for beef calves, replacement heifers, bulls, stockers and feeders Creep Feed Calf Rations • Heavier weaning weights • Increased immune function • ...

... oestrus interval and improves fertility Ketosis is a common problem in early lactation leading, in particular, to poor feed intake, bad fertility and low milk production. GLOBAL MPG is a highly palatable combination ...

AdiCare Vita is a nutritional supplement for sows in peripartum. Its unique composition facilitates farrowing, shortening its duration, thus increasing the number of piglets born alive and with greater ...

... one of the most important animal health factors influencing the production, reproduction and feed conversion efficiency as it plays a major role in the absorption of nutrients (modification ...

... Supports milk and component production more consistent with the ability of the cow • - Consistent quality and essential nutrients for full value and repeatable results
Arm & Hammer Animal Nutrition

Byphat provides protected fat that improves production and fertility in cattle.

Vitamix Extra Fertility – a specialized blend of minerals and vitamins for dairy cows, designed to improve reproduction indicators. Vitamix Extra Fertlity is an ideal solution for the post-birth period. High levels of ...
Polmass S.A.


Is a high-strength stock salt formulated to provide your cattle with the recommended nutritional intake of all the essential trace minerals. Hi-Se Blend is uniformly blended with granulated salt for free choice feeding to cattle in areas ...

... Cobalt. It can be used as a trough treatment or drench and mixed with liquids to pour over hay or silage. -Chelate blend supplement to optimise milk production -Supports overall cow health and fertility -2ml/4ml ...

SUPLEXAN ADEK PREMIUM is a composition of vitamins A, D3, E, K. Preparation supplements the animal diet with fat-soluble vitamins. Particularly recommended for supplementing the daily dose in a starter period, when these ...
INTERMAG Sp. z o.o.

For brood mares and stallions -with pure amino acids -with beta-carotene, extra copper & organic selenium -for fertility, foetal development & milk production marstall Zuchtmüsli (breeding muesli) consists of oats, easily digestible ...

... perfomances in farms due to their numerous consequences. They impact on the main functions of the organism (immunity deficiency, reproduction, growth and metabolism disorders). The multi trace elements tablets to dissolve ...

Rumenphos+ is used as a premix for the supply of phosphorus, non-protein nitrogen and calcium in extensive ruminants. With the incorporation of this non-protein nitrogen source in fiber-rich rations, losses in body condition are minimized ...

... Select BioCycle™ is recommended when performance improvements are needed in reproduction, and overall herd health. Select BioCycle™ is not appropriate when mold-challenged feeds are the major problem. One ...


... maintenance mineral feed for a perfect nutritional balance in grazing, indoor, beef and dairy animals throughout the year. •EUROMIX regulates pH and stimulates the immunological defences of ruminal flora, improves growth ...
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