Reversible leaf removers

3 companies | 4 products
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pull stripper leaf remover
pull stripper leaf remover

HE LEAF REMOVER MOUNTED ON TRACTOR ACROSS or CATERPILLAR It is specially designed to remove the leaves from the area of grapes. Exposure of berries in the sun is increased and the use of slurry can ...

mechanical leaf stripper
mechanical leaf stripper

... period of ripening of the grapes and pre-vintage. SF2 Leaves stripper is available in the versions with lateral frame, with reversible frame or only as stripping head to be applied on our lopping machines. Tractor ...

See the other products
pull stripper leaf remover
pull stripper leaf remover

... period of ripening of the grapes and pre-vintage. SF2 Leaves stripper is available in the versions with lateral frame, with reversible frame or only as stripping head to be applied on our lopping machines.

See the other products
pull stripper leaf remover
pull stripper leaf remover
EB 490 Professional

The best-selling defoliator worldwide. BINGER first invented the plucking roller system and has successfully marketed its defoliators throughout the world. Two rotating rollers trap the leaves pulled in by a suction blower and strip ...

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