- Farm Machinery >
- Tillage >
- Rigid ridger
Rigid ridgers
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Width: 60 cm
Furrower Hillers single row, Disc for cultivators Disc coulter ridger Single Row Hitch cultivator Setting the bar Disc diameter: 40 cm total rail Width: 60 cm
Width: 150 cm
Ridger Weeder for potatoes, garlic, onions ... 3-element furrower Three-point linkage for tractor Fixed frame 3 furrowers - ideal for potatoes but usable for many other crops With wheels for better soil cultivation Adjustable ...
Width: 6 m
The EC-Ridger is suitable for all crops grown on ridges with 75 cm row distance, like potatoes and carrots, also in later growing stages. The working principle of the EC-Ridger consists of three to five ...
Width: 140 cm - 240 cm
Provides excellent ground preparation, tilling up to 14” in depth to maximize earth to cane stock contact for full germination and increased yields. Saves your precious resources, time and fuel, with one pass operation. The elimination ...
Width: 145 cm
The ABOLLO RIDGER is mounted to the tractor through a three-point hitch system, which takes the tractor's pulling force. It has a channel (arc) opening capability up to 80 cm wide. A total area of 6 meters, including ...
... linkage cat I i II - joints • First beam with cultivator tines 32 x 10 • Second beam with tines with double heart coulter and ridger • Attachment for ridges shaping and limiting tines working depth OPTIONAL EQUIPMENT: • ...
Width: 1.6 m
Chamäleon I - The discs and the wheels are adjustable in the heightand laterally the discs are adjustable in the direction harrow loses the driving line addition at the front or at the back of the tractor possible it is possible ...
Width: 1,800 mm
cassava planting single rows ridger can ridging one row ridges for planting cassava field. It is high efficient and good performance in standard ridge and dewatering. It is a good tool for cassava planting in rainfall district.
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