Roller pumps

3 companies | 3 products
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water pump
water pump
F 716 series

Flow: 750 l/min
Power: 0.4, 0.6, 0.8 kW

... free-flying shaft without any bearings or seals in contact with the liquid. The motor shaft is equal to the pump shaft -Smooth running of the pump due to robust support tube solidly connected to the ...

roller pump
roller pump

Suitable for small and medium sprayers FEATURES & BENEFITS Hypro roller pumps are amongst the most widely used pumps in agriculture worldwide. These positive displacement pumps ...

wastewater pump
wastewater pump

Flow: 600 m³/h - 10,000 m³/h
Power: 500 kW - 1,200 kW

... as the executive component, the hydraulic energy into mechanical energy of the new sand pump. At work, the energy is transferred to the slurry medium through the pump to stir the impeller rotation, so ...

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