Rotary grain distributors

5 companies | 6 products
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rotary grain distributor
rotary grain distributor
DR Series

They are generally used to spread both granular and powdery loose products in the silos. They are made with steel plates with a reasonable thickness. The internal revolving pipe is very thick; Rotors can be made in painted, galvanized ...

rotary grain distributor
rotary grain distributor

... the spreader to further constrict the grain so it hits the center of the spreader and flows down the chutes in slow fill applications. Loading Hot or Wet Grain Extension chutes are available for hot ...

rotary grain distributor
rotary grain distributor

An available option for 16" to 22" hoppers, Sure-Flo directs feed down the hopper of the bin rather than down the center, creating a first-in, first-out feed flow. The gentle pivotal movement of the heavy-walled molded cone enhances flow ...

rotary grain distributor
rotary grain distributor
MVD series

-Used for discharging free-flowing or sluggish bulk materials from concrete and steel silos and bins -Supplies easy flow and homogenous mixture of the product -Prevents sudden collapsing of the bulk product that comes from the silo -Vibration ...

rotary grain distributor
rotary grain distributor

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Defino Giancaspro
rotary grain distributor
rotary grain distributor

The ROTARY DISTRIBUTOR DTR20-20 is generally used for the distribution of the granular and dusting bulk products. The rotary internal pipe can be manual or motor controlled.

See the other products
Defino Giancaspro
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