- Forestry >
- Firewood - Processing >
- Sawmill
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-2 thermal models for cutting diameters of 200mm (XYLOSCIE 600M) and 250mm (XYLOSCIE 700M). -Drive through thermal engine KOHLER with 3 years warranty: - 5.25 KW / 7 HP for XYLOSCIE 600M - 7.12 KW / 9.5 HP for XYLOSCIE 700M -Easy ...

-3 models adaptable on tractor for cutting diameter of 230 mm (on XYLOSCIE 600T) or 280 mm (on XYLOSCIE 700T). -Blade in carbide steel with alternate positioned teeth denture and with rigth/left angling of the teeth so that few power ...

Drive:P.T.O. shaft Max. Sawing Diameter:Ø 240 mm Saw Blade:Ø 700 mm Standard equipment Roller Extension Sawing-Length Limiter Tehnical features Drive:P.T.O. shaft Saw blade speed:1750 min-1 Max. Sawing Diameter:Ø 240 mm Saw ...
PISEK - Vitli KRPAN d.o.o.

The swinging table circular saw bench Rosselli allows to cut big quantities of wood avoiding any physical efforts and in extreme safety, in full compliance with the current regulations. The swinging table Grizzly 600 R / 700 R model features ...
ROSSELLI Snc Officine Meccaniche

The S-R100 model is part of the family of saw bench used for cutting firewood with sliding protection. S-R100 is a machine designed for all those looking for solidity, longevity and safety at an affordable price. This saw bench ...
ROSSELLI Snc Officine Meccaniche

The S-R150 saw bench has been designed to offer precise and effortless cutting of wood thanks to its 550 Ø circular blade. Available in two variants, you can choose between a normal tooth blade or the S-R150w version equipped with a widia ...
ROSSELLI Snc Officine Meccaniche

On the safe side The basic UniCut model is equipped with an indestructible protective casing that protects your hands from accessing the saw blade. Yet you still work in a practical way: The transparent polycarbonate cover allows a good ...

Are you looking for more than just a classic tilting saw? Save time and combine the two work steps: Cut firewood and load it via the built-in conveyor belt at the same time! All that without additional installation of support legs ...

The fully automatic firewood processor AutoCut from POSCH ideally achieves, depending on cutting length and billet size, a throughput of 15 cubic metres per hour with one operator. With the touchscreen of the electronic control unit, ...

Super compact saw bench for private use! Safe-to-use, easy to handle and to store after work! Maintenance and blade's replacement fast and easy. Features On all models the transmission occurs with long-lasting, noiseless, Poly ...

Saw benches with great stability for industrial and agricultural use! Very stable and strong, with a unique and innovative design. Exceptional performance and cutting speed. Maintenance and blade's replacement fast and easy. Features The ...

Saw benches with conveyor belt for industry and agriculture! Telescopic conveyor belt retractable to 2.45 m. max. of height. The anchor fulcrum of the tilting trestle is fixed onto unbreakable self-lubricating DU bushings. The blade ...

The new STANDARD circular saws are tractor (PTO) driven or with an electric motor. They ensure quick and safe production of firewood and are easy to move. A long service live is ensured by their compact structure. The STANDARD circular ...
Uniforest d.o.o.

... processing line where it significantly speeds up and makes the entire material cutting process more efficient. After the sawmill, it further splits boards and thicker prisms lengthwise up to a maximum height of 105 mm. ...

The new heavy-duty Hud-Son Warrior XL sawmill has raised the bar for capacity and horsepower in a portable sawmill. This sawmill can out-perform the competition in its price and class. ...

Portable sawmill with quality in every detail The Logosol F2 Farmer's chain sawmill is an ultra-portable sawmill, which can easily handle logs that are up to 60 cm in diameter. In addition, ...
Logosol AB

The Brugger BS31 log band saw is a simple log band sawmill with which you can quickly and easily process logs of up to 76cm into lumber. The sawmill requires little technology and is therefore easy ...

Electric-powered sawmill with bed sections that are simple to put together for the required length of timber. The timber is held in place with a clamp. Water-cooled band saw blade for long service life and with roller ...
Kellfri AB

Woodland Mills designed the HM122 sawmill for budget minded customers looking at getting into milling their own lumber at a reasonable price point. Based off of our very popular HM126 model, the HM122 offers hobby sawyers ...
Woodland Mills Europe AB

This SÜMA BGU-Maschinen cross-cutting saw merges top operation comfort and user-friendly handling. Equipped with a 400 V energy-saving motor with thermal overload protection, the KS 700 E is ideal for fast sawing with slight strain. Low-energy ...

Tehnical specifications Drive:PTO Description:Hydraulic pump Workpiece diameter max (mm):230-280 Max rpm PTO:340 Disc diameter Z60 Ø (mm):700 widia Dimensions H /W/ L (mm):1290 x 975 x 1075 Weight (kg):200 Roller Extension:Serial Roller ...
Robust d.o.o.

PIKO RS 700 Circular Saw Splitting cone Log diameter 50-250mm Firewood lenght 250-600mm Cutter blade 700mm Conical splitter 100mm Avalable as combustion engine 6,5hv or with an elektrical engine 4 kw Covered, safe structure Easy-use ...

The ECO range of Collino circular saws is wide and certainly enticing for the price and the cost, sure, but also for the quality of the details and the finishes that make it a handy, manageable tool, ideal for forestry workers with domestic ...
Collino Costruzioni

... the minimum of discards keeping the saw cut low (2 - 2.5 mm). R-70 sawing machine is the most typical machine for the sawmill industry and is prepared for continuous work with the possibility of full expansion. The ...

Log slashers model 500 are lightweight, affordable and sturdy. All our wood slashers offer reliability and performance for in the field sawing. They stand out for their simplicity, quick adjustment and durability. Forestry is a highly ...

D9 Automatized circular sawmill, is a new generation double-bladed sawmill. Fixing carriages move along with a log on a rail feeder. An inline fixing carriage system ensures simpler assembling ...

... rates and more accurately sawn lumber using thinner saw kerf than competetive offerings. High Production Sawmills For high production sawmills, fabricated steel wheels are available for wheel speeds ...

Circular saw for hobi and professional use. Unique with adjsutable working height! Basic data/Performance – meassurement system by cutting up to 50 cm, – big wheels for transport, support for longer firewood.
GOMARK trgovina in proizvodnja d.o.o.

The LT15START Mobile sawmill has much to offer to custom sawing enthusiasts who can take the sawmill out to any location and mill the logs easily. The LT15START Mobile is a portable sawmill, ...
Wood-Mizer, LLC

... horizontal frame clearance of 580 mm enables cutting even very thick logs in the case of prior, one or two-sided cutting on a band sawmill. Many technical innovations have been applied in the saw, including: dynamic tension ...

Shark series saws are safer than most saw in the marke, practical and very fast with a high specification as log holder, rolls on the bench and on th elog support. standard, ideal for heavy professional use. Shark is also equipped by ...

The HTZ 800 is a solid, yet small machine with wide blade précision. Available as mobile or stationary. Key features: •wide blades - for low blade maintenance costs & high précision, •one man operation with automated board removal, •strong, ...
Mebor d.o.o.
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