Scales with USB connection

2 companies | 3 products
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poultry scale
poultry scale
BIT PS 4.0

Weight range: 10 kg - 40 kg

... time. The scale will then display the average weight of the group. Integrated website The BIT PS 4.0 IoT comes with an integrated website that can be accessed via the scale's access point, but also ...

poultry scale
poultry scale

Weight range: 10 kg - 40 kg

... herds. No matter how many farms you have and how many scales you use. Statistical data is calculated automatically during weighing. The results are displayed directly on the scale! Bluetooth The scale ...

scale with USB connection
scale with USB connection
BAT2 Connect

Weight range: 0 kg - 100 kg

... Connect USB poultry scale delivers accurate, reliable weight data, along with many actionable statistics, all at an affordable price. Fast, convenient transfer Instantly copy weight data from multiple ...

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