Sheep backfat scanners

3 companies | 3 products
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pig backfat scanner
pig backfat scanner

Scanning Depth: 45 mm - 120 mm

... and less back fat. Lately it is also being used in cattle and sheep. Therefore, we will use it as an ultrasound scanner to measure back fat and loin diameter in pigs, cattle and sheep.

pig backfat scanner
pig backfat scanner

... hours outdoor work. Auto switch-off after 2 minutes non-work to save power. • Easy-operation. One-key to measure 3 levels back-fat thickness. Measuring range is 4~35mm and the error is ±1mm. You can store 99 measurement ...

cattle backfat scanner
cattle backfat scanner

The Renco LEAN-MEATER® uses pulsed ultrasound to measure the backfat depth of your growing hogs, sheep and cattle. It is designed to measure the total depth of backfat. It is a fully ...

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