Sheep hoof trimmers

2 companies | 3 products
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sheep hoof trimmer
sheep hoof trimmer

... that requires dexterity, strength and patience. Designed to trim hooves while limiting the strength needed, the F3020 hoof trimmer kit also provides an accurate, brief and fast movement, thereby limiting ...

sheep hoof trimmer
sheep hoof trimmer
Serrated Supersharp

An invaluable compact footrot shear, highly acclaimed by farmers and shepherds during field tests. The serration pattern gives unrivalled levels of bite, anchoring the blade firmly while the plain cutting blade slices cleanly and precisely ...

See the other products
Burgon and Ball
sheep hoof trimmer
sheep hoof trimmer

A handy pack of two essentials for keeping healthy sheep: a 3.5" single bow dagging shear and a Supersharp footrot shear. This pack represents exceptional value for money, giving a substantial saving on purchasing the ...

See the other products
Burgon and Ball
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