Sheep weighing system

3 companies | 4 products
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livestock weighing system
livestock weighing system

... pneumatics, providing the ultimate in automatic drafting. With the Shearwell Automatic Sheep Drafting Crate you get: • Shearwell SDL710C Pneumatically-Driven Sheep Drafting Crate • Shearwell SDL150S ...

sheep weighing system
sheep weighing system

... hands-free data capture. The sheep weigh crate maximises the efficiency of read by reducing areas that could cause interference, creating a weigh crate that is very effective. Trials have shown that over 400 more sheep ...

sheep weighing system
sheep weighing system

Precision weighing and drafting for more profit in your pocket The Racewell DR Auto Drafter is a highly efficient, dedicated weighing and drafting sheep system that ...

sheep weighing system
sheep weighing system

The Lamb Weighing Crate makes it easy for the farmer to weigh and draft lambs. This overtime makes tracking performance quicker and helps the farmer to make sure lams reach their target weights. Analog clock is ...

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