Side-mount sweepers

5 companies | 5 products
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{{/each}} {{/pushedProductsPlacement5.length}}
self-propelled sweeper
self-propelled sweeper

The AM317 is a self propelled bedding machine. It enables the cleaning, the scraping and the spreading of the cubicles.

orchard sweeper
orchard sweeper

Working width: 600 mm

Tuthill Centipede side sweep is mid-mounted on the tractor and moves fruit from between the tree trunks and into the row ready for the harvester to collect. It is clears the fruit very efficiently from between the trees. ...

mounted sweeper
mounted sweeper

Working width: 2, 3 m

... details. The collection pan, por example, has been fitted with height-adjustable spindles; it is also possible to assemble the side brush to the left or right. Of course, the tried and tested add-on parts still fit on ...

mounted sweeper
mounted sweeper
SW series

Working width: 1,100 mm - 2,600 mm

SERIE STD – Collector sweeper standard equipped with polypropylene brushes (switchable with steel brushes), front and side protections with rubber bands, flexible hoses, 1/2″ quick couplers for hydraulic ...

mounted sweeper
mounted sweeper

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