Silage additive

4 companies | 12 products
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{{#pushedProductsPlacement4.length}} {{#each pushedProductsPlacement4}}

{{product.productLabel}} {{product.model}}

{{#if product.featureValues}}
{{#each product.featureValues}} {{content}} {{/each}}
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{{/if}} {{#each product.productTagAssociationList}}
{{/each}} {{/pushedProductsPlacement4.length}}
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{{#if product.productPrice }} {{#if product.productPrice.price }}

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{{/if}} {{#if product.hasVideo}}
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homofermentative lactic acid bacteria silage additive
homofermentative lactic acid bacteria silage additive

Polmasil® is a microbiological additive influencing the proper course of lactic acid fermentation in the ensiled mass. Polmasil® consists of lactic acid bacteria, 3 specialized strains, which in the subsequent stages ...

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Polmass S.A.
homofermentative lactic acid bacteria silage additive
homofermentative lactic acid bacteria silage additive
Polmasil Extra®

... microbiological additive designed for silage of roughage with an increased risk of the so-called secondary fermentation. Carefully selected strains of lactic acid bacteria used in Polmasil Extra® improve ...

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Polmass S.A.
homofermentative lactic acid bacteria silage additive
homofermentative lactic acid bacteria silage additive
Polmasil Corn®

Polmasil Corn® is a microbial additive supporting ensilage from maize in any form (whole plants, CCM, crushed grain). The bacterial strains in Polmasil Corn support each other. Pediococcus pentosaceus is a very active ...

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Polmass S.A.
homofermentative lactic acid bacteria silage additive
homofermentative lactic acid bacteria silage additive
Polmasil Buchneri®

... Buchneri® is a microbial additive designed for silage of roughage with an increased risk of the so-called secondary fermentation. Lactobacillus buchneri used in Polmasil Buchneri significantly increases ...

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Polmass S.A.
homofermentative lactic acid bacteria silage additive
homofermentative lactic acid bacteria silage additive
Polmasil pulpal®

Polmasil pulpal® will properly ferment the pulp and lead to a pH below 3.8, a lactic acid concentration of 3% DM or higher, an acetic acid concentration below 1.5% DM. Sugar content in ensiled pulp from 1.5% to 3% in fresh mass is sufficient ...

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Polmass S.A.
homofermentative lactic acid bacteria silage additive
homofermentative lactic acid bacteria silage additive
Polmasil Duo®

Polmasil Duo® is a microbial additive for ensiling maize and grasses with a dry matter content of 30-45%. Carefully selected strains of lactic acid bacteria used in Polmasil Duo® accelerate the ensilage process and prevent ...

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Polmass S.A.
homofermentative lactic acid bacteria silage additive
homofermentative lactic acid bacteria silage additive
TS Grass

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heemskerk Dairy
homofermentative lactic acid bacteria silage additive
homofermentative lactic acid bacteria silage additive
TS Jumpstart

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heemskerk Dairy
homofermentative lactic acid bacteria silage additive
homofermentative lactic acid bacteria silage additive
TS Maize

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heemskerk Dairy
homofermentative lactic acid bacteria silage additive
homofermentative lactic acid bacteria silage additive

Silage Anti-mildew Preservation Acidifier 1.Effectively inhibit the fermentation of harmful bacteria in silage and reduce nutrient loss in the process of silage fermentation. 2.Protect ...

homofermentative lactic acid bacteria silage additive
homofermentative lactic acid bacteria silage additive

See the other products
homofermentative lactic acid bacteria silage additive
homofermentative lactic acid bacteria silage additive

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