- Farm Infrastructure >
- Storage & Conveying >
- Silo sweep auger
Silo sweep augers
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Bulk throughput: 27 t/h - 122 t/h
Diameter: 12 cm - 22.9 cm
Power Sweeps use one motor on the outside of the grain bin to power both the unloading flight and the sweep. They can remain inside the bin during the grain bin filling process and come in standard, and ...

Bulk throughput: 30 t/h - 50 t/h
Diameter: 200 mm
... wide range of silo diameters. They are designed to be permanently installed in the silo and used with free-flowing granular materials/products. • CST: Available with capacities up to 50 t/h based on ...

Bulk throughput: 30 t/h - 50 t/h
Diameter: 200 mm
... to suit AGI Flat bottom silos from models FPIO to FP36. This sweep runs on non-slip wheels and is tractor driven. For all ESA models, the drive assembly is mounted on a heavy gaJyaojseé central support ...

... operation and durability. RACK-AND-PINION CONTROLS Rack-and-pinion controls are standard on all direct gear drive sweeps. Simplified sweep engagement with a band on control handle, with pin for ...
GSI Group

... corn, barley, sunflower seeds, paddy…) on the floor of flat bottom silos after the discharge by gravity. Installation is done on flat bottom silos with concrete or metallic walls. Silo ...

... gravity discharge, the sweep auger can be started. The 2 movments, rotation and advance, are ensured by the central drive, inside the silo for D type, or below the silo ...
Denis Privé

The Spirogyre sweep auger is designed to extract remaining products (like wheat, maize, barley, seeds, etc.) that free-flow with gravity but that can build up in flat bottom silos. The ...

... process by rotating 360° inside the silo. Its helical shaft is driven by the electric motor. The helical rotation movement and the movement of the auger’s body inside the silo are driven ...

Silo unloading process is made by either unloading auger or conveyor. Sweep Augers are used in flat bottom silos, for unloading of the remaining product, ...
Mysilo (Siloport)

... clockwise around silo axle (when looking towards the silo floor). This way the grain remaining in the silo is unloaded, until the conveyor makes almost a full turn. BIN produces internal ...
"BIN" Sp. z o.o.

... the sweep auger via a rotary actuator. This ensures that the sweep auger can keep turning in the silo without the cable becoming twisted or damaged. Below ...

The sweep augers are used for the conveying in horizontal direction after gravity discharge. The material is conveyed by the uncovered screw to the area of outlet (in centre of the silo), ...

... unloading silo processes. The equipment sweeps the bottom of the silos, transporting grains to the discharge valves. The use of Sweep augers prevents ...

... the auger is designed on a case-by-case basis to withstand the weight of the material on it, as it is positioned on the bottom of the silo. The intermediate elements containing the auger ...
S.I.M.A. Srl

The KTIS sweep conveyor transports material out from a silo and to a bottom conveyor. It can be operated without being exposed and it is equipped with a broom, which means that just a small amount of ...
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